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Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-3968
Fax: (305) 348-3772
E-mail: osheak@fiu.edu
University of Texas, Austin (1989-1991) Postdoctoral Fellow
Advisor - Professor Marye Anne Fox
Research Project: Reactive Oxygen Species for the Activation of Anti-Cancer Agents and Photochemical Processes in Supercritical Fluids
University of California, Los Angeles (1984-1989) Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry
Mentor - Professor Christopher S. Foote
Dissertation: The Photoxygenation of Guanosine, Adamantylideneadamantane, and Isomeric 2,4-Hexadienes.
California State University, Sacramento (1980-1984) B.S. in Chemistry (with Honors)
Senior Project: Synthesis of Novel Imidazolium Counpounds.
Academic Positions⚓
2004-current Professor of Chemistry-Florida International University
2019 Visiting Professor-University of California, Davis (sabbatical)
2012-2017 Senior Associate Dean Graduate School-Florida International University
2009-2011 Interim Dean Graduate School-Florida International University
2004-2005 Visiting Professor-University of Miami (sabbatical)
1996-2004 Associate Professor of Chemistry-Florida International University
1997-1998 Research Associate Professor-Georgia Institute of Technology (sabbatical)
1995 Visiting Assistant Professor - Florida State University
1991-1996 Assistant Professor - Florida International University
Courses taught⚓
Undergraduate Courses
Organic Chemistry I and II Lecture courses (CHM 2210 and 2211) – large classes (~ 200 students) composed primarily of chemistry and biology majors
Organic Chemistry 1 and II laboratories (CHM 2210L and 2211L) – co-requiste with lecture courses - individual sections ~ 20 students
Structure Determination Laboratory (CHM 4320L) – helped design specific experiments and develop laboratory manual for junior and senior level undergraduate students
Undergraduate Directed Research (CHM 4210L and 4211L) – each student is assigned and mentored on an original research project
Laboratory Coordinator for Organic Chemistry Labs (CHM 2200, 2210, 2211)
Sophomore Honors (IHD 2004) – Inhabiting Other Lives: What are we? Who are we? Who am I? - a team taught interdisciplinary class for students in the honors college
Graduate Courses
Physical Organic Chemistry (CHM 5260) – Small lecture class (~ 10 students) developed and designed for doctoral students and focused on fundamental mechanistic aspects organic chemistry
Structural Elucidation of Organic Compounds (CHM 5236) - The course is offered each year and continually revised to include latest spectroscopic techniques used for the determination of structures of organic compounds. The focus is on developing practical problem solving skills.
Thesis and Dissertation Research (CHM 6910, 6911, 7910, and 7980) each graduate student is assigned and mentored on an original research project.
Professor O’Shea has authored/co-authored ~ 300 scientific presentations. These include research presentations at national and international conferences and as an invited speaker for departmental seminars. His research group regularly presents recent results and the National American Chemical Society meetings though-out the United States. Professor O’Shea has delivered talks as an invited speaker around the world including a number of talks in China, South Korea, Turkey, Ireland, Spain, Singapore, Hungary, Puerto Rico, and Canada.
Professor’s O’Shea has published over 130 peer-reviewed papers in chemistry and environmental science journals with ~ 90 % of these publications including contributions involving research and scholarship conducted at FIU. Professor O’Shea has published papers in a number of premier chemistry journals including Chemical Reviews, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of Physical Chemistry which have impact factors (IF) of >45, >10, and ~ 5, respectively. His publications in environmental sciences appear in a number of highly regarded interdisciplinary journals including Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (IF ~ 10), Environmental Science and Technology (IF ~ 7), and Water Research (IF ~ 7). The Google Scholar records for Kevin E. O’Shea on December 31, 2019 indicate his papers have been cited a total of 9772 times. Citations of these papers have increased tremendously over the past five years reaching annual maximum of ~ 1400 individual citations since 2016. O’Shea’s current h-index of 53 indicates 53 of his papers have been cited at least 53 times. Professor O’Shea had 102 papers that were cited at least ten times, i10-index = 102. The number of views is another important measure of the impact of research papers especially with the evolution of large numbers of open access journals allowing free access to peer-reviewed publications. ResearchGate reported 19,250 total reads of the research articles published by Kevin E. O’Shea.
Professor Kevin E. O’Shea has submitted > 50 major research proposals (PI on > 30) and secured ~ $4,000,000 in extramural support for research activities and equipment as PI or Co-PI. He has had nearly continuous extramural support for research projects since his initial Petroleum Research Fund and National Science Foundation grants in 1993. Grant applications have been submitted to the following agencies; Research Corporation, The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, National Science Foundation, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, American Chemical Society-Petroleum Research Fund, Department of Army, Council on Undergraduate Research, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, National Institute of Health, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of Defense, National Energy Renewal Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, United States Department of Agriculture and Florida Department of Health, and International Atomic Energy Agency.
Current Grant Activity⚓
• ”Synthesis of Environmentally Friendly Humic Acid Coated Magnetic Nanomaterials for Removal of Toxic Arsenic and Selenium Species”, PI Kevin O’Shea, co-PIs Dionysis Dionysiou and Yong Cai, National Science Foundation funded ~$430,000, 2017.
• “Tailored sorbents for the removal of emerging per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances from water”, PI - Kevin O’Shea, co-PI Detlef Knappe, National Science Foundation, funded $70,000, 2018.
•”Collaborative Research: Cyclodextrin-Based 2D Materials for the Treatment of Legacy and Emerging Perfluoroalkyl Substances”,PI Kevin O’Shea, co-PIs Wei Gao and Detlef Knappe, National Science Foundation, funded ~ $320,000, 2017.
•”Photochemical Reactions of Particulate Mercury Species at the Water-Particle Interface in Aquatic Environments”, PI - Yong Cai, co-PIs Guangliang Liu and Kevin O’Shea, National Science Foundation , funded $465,059, 2018.
Recent Grant Activity⚓
•Collaborative Research: Destruction of Cyanotoxins using Ferrate, National Science Foundation, ~$350,000, 2012-2015.
•Collaborative Research: Degradation Mechanism of Cyanotoxins Using Visible Light-Activated TiO2 Photocatalysts, National Science Foundation, ~$450,000, 2010-2014.
• Visible-light activated mixed Anatase/Brookite Photocatalysts for Water Treatment, United States Department of Agriculture ~$125,000, 2011-2014
•REU Site: Sensing, Monitoring, and Detection: From Molecules to Applications, (Konstantinos Kavallieratos, Co-PI Jaroslava Miksovska, senior personnel Kevin O’Shea.) National Science Foundation, $324,744, 2012- 2015
• EPA STAR Monitoring, Photochemical Fate, an d Oxidative Degradation by UV and Solar-based Catalytic Technologies of Cyanotoxins in Freshwater Estuaries, United States Environmental Protection Agency $679,589, 2008 to 2012
• Adsorption and Oxidation of Arsenic species on Metal oxides, National Institute of Environmental Health Science, 2007 to 2010, $220,000
• Structural Elucidation and Toxicity of Microcystins and their Advanced Oxidation Products. National Institute of Environmental Health Science, 2004 to 2007, $150,000
Students Directed in Chemical Research Projects 1991-2014⚓
Graduate Students
(post-graduation/current appointments indicated by postscript where a-academic; b-research or industrial position; c-unknown; d-current student)
John Walton (b), Shawn Beightol (a), Gina Alume (b), Fabious Foti (b), Claudia Cardona (a), Cristobal Carambo (a), Yi-Cheng (b), Sary Mabjish (b), Martha Aguilar (b), Enrique Pernas (b), Sugunya Monslaud (b), Duk Kyung Kim (a), Vivian Cruz (b), Melvin Rodriguez (c), Sahar Motamedi (b), Weihua Song (a), Tielian Xu (b), Saritha Padura (a), Urooj Khan (a), Lin Chen (a), Bashaki Das (a), Barsam Mirfattah (c), Punam Parekh (a), Nadia Rivera-Reyna (b), Wenjun Jiang (b), Roberto Roa (b), Chen Zhao (b), Yi TanChen Zhao (b), Sazzad Hossain (a), Mohammad Rashid (b) Danni Cui (b), Mary Jo Weiss-Errico (b), Arif Abdullah (b), Yi Tan (b), Marcela Jaramillo (d) Phuong Pham (d), Anahita Esmaeilian (d), N.L. Dilani Perera (d), Mariah Doughman (d), Claude-Bernard Paultre (d)
Undergraduate Students
(post-graduation/current appointments indicated by postscript where a–medical or dental school; b-graduate school; c-research or industrial position; d-current student; e-unknown)
Anthony Condea Jie Pang (b), Branden Bornstein (a), Michael Trakhman (a), Stephan Jannach (a), Eric Bermudez (a), Paolo Lizardo (e), Silivio Restro (b), Suzana Sin (c), Ivelitza Garcia (b), Kero Olivares (c), Melita Morton (b), Bamby Duong (c), Reina Natero (c), Ailette Aguila (b), Shantell Curry (e), Gualberto Fuentes (c), Rudolf Carbello (e), Sandra Rodiguez (a), Alexandra Villacres (a), Chris Gomez (a), Sabrina Bardowell (b), Lielani Chinirio (c), Carlos Miranda (a), Jessica Gonzalez (b), Leng Young (a), Stephine Montoya (a), Yumi Mendez (a), Marcela Cardona (a), Melissa Cardenas (a), Yamile Aroche (e), Nicole Ruiz (e), Cristina Permas (b), Michelle Luiz (b), Linna Lin (a), Yingxin He (a), Jose Roque (b), Whitney Sisney (e), Jenna Lobson (b), Nathaniel Price (e), Gabriela Tejeda (b), Atheena Jenkins (c)
High School Students: Cliff Sanders, O'Ray Rahmings, Travis Smith, Paul Reynolds, Elena Waechter
Postdoctoral fellows and visiting faculty: Prof. Duk Kyung Kim, Prof. Shu Yu Li, Prof. Mohammad Enterazi, Prof. Weihua Song, Dr. Li Fang, Prof. Nadia Ben Abderrazik, Dr. Shan Zhang, Dr. Gloria Enclan, Dr. Tiaxiang An, Professor Shu Lu, Dr. Miguel Gracia Pinilla, Dr. Nagaraju Birudukota
Collaborators & other affiliations
Ph.D. mentor: Christopher S. Foote, Professor, UCLA (deceased);
Postdoctoral Advisor: Marye Anne Fox, Chancellor, UCSD
Prof Yong Cai (FIU), Prof William Cooper (UCI), Prof Dionysis Dionysiou (UC), Prof Angel Kaifer (UM), Prof Virender Sharma (Texas A&M), Prof Phashant Kamat (Notre Dame), Prof Kathleen Rein (FIU), Prof Stephen Mezyk (CSULB)
Professional Affiliations⚓
Member, American Association for Advancement of Science Member, American Chemical Society, Organic and Environmental Divisions Member, American Society for Photobiology Member, Council on Undergraduate Research Member, Florida Section of the American Chemical Society Member, Dade County Chemistry Alliance
Professional Service⚓
Professor O’Shea has served major and numerous roles in the organization of major symposia on water treatment and advanced oxidation processes sessions of the American Chemical Society Meetings, Pacific Basin Conference, International Advanced Oxidation and TiO2 Photocatalysis Meetings, International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances, International Advisor Committee on Advanced Oxidation Technologies, Guest Editor for Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, Guest Editor for Journal Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Co-editor, Environmental Applications of Ionizing Radiation.
Professor O’Shea as served as a professional reviewer for funding agencies including National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Research Corporation, Council on Undergraduate Research, International Atomic Energy Agency, Petroleum Research Foundation. American Chemical Society. Also regular serves as a reviewer for papers submitted to environmental, organic and photochemistry journals including, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of Organic Chemistry and Journal Physical Chemistry, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, Research of Chemical Intermediates, Journal on Advanced Oxidation Technologies, Journal of Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Langmiur, Environmental Science and Technology, Water Research, Organic Letters, Tetrahedron, Tetrahedron Letters, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Catalysis Today, Chemosphere, Journal of Chemical Education.
Awards, Accomplishments, and Appointments⚓
Top viewed paper Journal Physical Chemistry Letters August 2014
Editor’s Top Pick Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts Article 2014
FIU McNair Advisory Committee Member
Top Cited Paper Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2013
Awarded Honorary Membership to Golden Key Honor Society
Top Cited Papers Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2009 and 2010
Chair Graduate Council of the Faculty Senate
FIU Millennium Task Force for Graduate Education
Elected to FIU Faculty Senate
Chair of National American Chemical Society Meeting Task Force on Undergraduate Programs
Affiliated Faculty in the FIU Department of Environmental Studies
Member of Dissertation Advisor Status Evaluation Committee
Appointed to the University Graduate Faculty with Dissertation Advisor Status
Florida Award Selection committee
Appointed as a Fellow in The Honors College
Florida International University “Excellence in Advising Award”
Selected for Who’s Who Among American Teachers
Henry-Dreyfus Teacher Scholar
Chair National American Chemical Society Undergraduate Programing
National Award as "Outstanding ACS-SA Chapter" Faculty Advisor (5 years)
Florida International University "Excellence in Teaching Award"
Teaching Incentive Program (TIP) Award Recipient